Take an Intuitive Eating Quiz!

Learn where you are in your intuitive eating journey. Notice how your body feels when you read these statements. 

  1. I eat a variety of foods that appeal to me and feel good in my body. Agree/Disagree

  1. I usually make time to eat, even when I’m really busy.  Agree/Disagree

  2. For the most part, I prefer to eat meals and snacks around the same time each day, but I’m good at being flexible too!  Agree/Disagree

  3. I trust myself to eat as much as I want and this usually works out great. Agree/Disagree

  4. I feel good in my body and have energy to do what I want.  Agree/Disagree

  5. After years of restricting, I know so many “diet tricks,” but I’m happy to let go of them and practice being attuned to my body.  Agree/Disagree

  6. When I’m hungry for a snack, I think of which foods appeal to me most at that moment and match it with what’s available.  Agree/Disagree

  7. I try to eat when I first notice I’m hungry, rather than forcing myself to wait to eat.  Agree/Disagree

  8. When I respond to my hunger, I notice that my mood is better. Agree/Disagree

  9. When I don’t exercise, sometimes I eat less and sometimes I eat more.  Agree/Disagree


Intuitive eating honors YOU as the expert of your body, not external diet rules. It’s flexible and full of self-compassion. If you are still struggling to choose “Agree” for any of these, notice how reading that statement feels. Since most of us want more freedom in our lives, it’s important to reflect on why we hang on to old food and body beliefs, and next, to imagine what we want instead.

Take this next quiz to learn how you might still be restricting. Triggering numbers are removed.

  1. I’ve eliminated a category of food (e.g. sugar, gluten, grains) even though I’m not allergic. Agree/Disagree

  2. I never drink juice or beverages with added sugar. Agree/Disagree

  3. I often replace meals with a caffeinated beverage. Agree/Disagree

  4. I only allow myself to eat in an x-hour* window. Agree/Disagree

  5. I never eat after x-o’clock* at night. Agree/Disagree

  6. I don’t trust myself to have more than one serving. Agree/Disagree

  7. I always eat on a small plate to make myself think I’m eating more! Agree/Disagree

  8. When I’m hungry for a snack, I only eat raw fruits and veggies. Agree/Disagree

  9. I never eat snacks. Agree/Disagree

  10. When I don’t exercise, I don’t let myself eat as much as I want. Agree/Disagree


Notice the black-and-white thinking in these statements? They are the opposite of expansive and freeing. Intuitive eating provides tools to end the restriction-binge-and-shame cycle. We are all worth more than the size of our bodies.

Dieting and diet culture wouldn’t make sense if we simply accepted that people come in all different sizes.

Virgie Tovar


Comfort Foods as Superfoods


When I Started Dieting